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What is Ranch

Ranch events are judged on the ability to work a horse at a forward moving pace,  in a natural frame, whilst testing the skill and versatility of horse & rider.  In Ranch Riding, Ranch Reining, Ranch Pleasure & Ranch Trail (collectively known as the pattern classes), a horse’s abilities and manners are put to the test through a series of transitions and manoeuvres. A horse’s gaits, movement and ability to ride confidently amongst other horses is showcased in Ranch on the Rail; and its ability to work cattle is tested in Ranch Cow Work, Ranch Cutting, Ranch Roping and Ranch Boxing.  A horse’s conformation and suitability for ranch work is also judged in Ranch Conformation, a halter class.

A ranch horse should be attentive to its surroundings, display forward moving in working gaits and be ridden with a light contact.

Once you give ranch a try, it's very easy to become hooked!

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