Ranch Horse Association of Australia Inc
2024/2025 RHAA Affiliation
For Clubs & Incorporated Associations that have objects similar to those of the RHAA
To apply to affiliate with the RHAA please complete the affiliate application form
Then email: clubs@rhaa.com.au
* A Risk & Hazard Management Form for each venue you hold clinics or shows
*Your completed Affiliate Application form
* A Copy of your Certificate of Incorporation
* Your Clubs Constitution
* Member register
(plus other forms as required per application form)
To adhere to the standards, rules & policies & procedures of the RHAA and to work to further its goals and objectives;
To ensure the welfare of the Ranch Horse is paramount and that at all times the horse is treated
with dignity, respect and compassion;
To conduct all affairs in relation to the Affiliate with integrity, sincerity and
accuracy in an open and forthright manner; and
To instil confidence among clients and the public in the Ranch Horse industry, avoiding any action conducive to discrediting it or the membership.
To abide by RHAA Policies at all times
To co-operate with and aid in every way possible the promotion of RHAA ;
To generate growth in your membership;
To provide approved RHAA events for RHAA members;
To encourage new memberships into your club and the RHAA;
To provide programs for beginners as well as the experienced horse person;
To maintain a Membership base of at least 15 financial members of the RHAA;
To forward a copy of all Newsletters to the RHAA on a regular basis;
To forward a copy of all Minutes of all Meetings to the RHAA on a regular basis;
To forward a copy of an Audited Profit & Loss report annually to RHAA ; and
Implement and forward annually, a thorough Risk Management & Hazard Identification Plan and if the venue named in the submitted Risk Management & Hazard Identification Plan is changed then a new Risk Management & Hazard Identification Plan will be required.
To aid & encourage the RHAA objectives
To offer support, help & advice in a timely manner
To give guidance in the approval process
To offer advertise & promotion of affiliates sanctioned events via our web & social pages